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Saturday 6 May 2023

Black Cove of the Sea Witch

Black Cove of the Sea Witch

A 3rd level 5e adventure for 4 - 5 players

Adventure Background

The sea witch Thalia Darkbreeze fled her coven after she was discovered to have betrayed them. Her and her forces attacked and defeated the sailors stationed and the cave and they have made it their new home. They are raiding the nearby shipping lane and Thalia plans on starting her own coven and when strong enough attack the nearby town of Seabreeze.

Adventure Hook

Osric an optimistic half-elf wants the characters to defeat the sea witch Thalia Darkbreeze at the Black Cove and reclaim it for the town of Seaview.

Adventure Key

Area #




Lizardfolk Guardhouse

At any given time 4 Lizardfolk are stationed here on watch. They will ring a bell if intruders are spotted and will fire arrows at them from a window.



This is the ship of the sailors who were garrisoned at the cove. Now home to a giant octopus who will attack any characters who get close to the wreck.


Onyx Alter

This black altar has been dredged up from the sea. It is adorned with shells, bones and other trinkets from the sea. When the adventurers enter the cove there is a 50% chance the sea witch is completing a ritual here.


Hook Trap

A large hook is suspended on a rope attached to the ceiling. Triggering a tripwire in this passage causes it to swing down. DC15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d10 piercing damage.



An angry ogre wearing a captains hat makes this room his den.


Stone Statues.

1d6 Sailors and 1d6 lizardmen have been turned into statues on this beach. These statues serve as a warning DC15 Nature check to determine that this is the work of a basilisk.


Damp Storeroom

Filled with crates and boxes of rotten fish, ore and other plundered goods.


Basilisk's Nest

A Basilisk has made its nest here and she guards a clutch of 1d4 eggs. She is fiercely territorial and will attack anyone she senses. Any noise will draw her attention.


Old Library

This room was once an old library but all the books have been taken or destroyed.


Defiled Altar

This is an altar to Wukatarr, God of the Water. The sailors stationed here used to pray here before setting off on a journey. The sea witch has defaced it.


Tortle Prisoner

Kadu (Druid) is a prisoner of the sea witch. He was captured and she now uses his blood in her rituals.


Lair of the Sea Witch

Thalia Darkbreeze (Sea Hag) makes her home here with her two pet sea snakes (Constrictor Snake). There is a saltwater pool here that leads to area 2. She can use this as an escape if needed. She keeps her treasure hoard here, roll on appropriate tables in the DMG.

Monster List

Action Group



4 Lizardmen


There will always be one group in the Watchtower.

4 Lizardmen


Patrol 11, 10, 9, 3, 2

4 Lizardmen


Guards the Ogre captain



Normally in his Den, occasionally patrols around

Giant Octopus


Will attack if shipwreck is investigated


8 or 6

Rests in location 8, comes out to feed in area 6

2 Constrictor Snake

12 or 2

Hunts in location 2

Thalia Darkbreeze

12 or 3

Spends most of her time in area 12 but performs rituals in area 3

Random Encounters




2d6 Pirates (Bandits) sail into the cove


A trapped hidden sailor


Treasure map leading to a secret location


2d4 Seaview Guards arrive as reinforcements

Monday 1 May 2023