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Monday 30 January 2023

What is wrong with your magic item?


Want to add some negative effects to your magic items that aren’t as powerful as full blown curses? When an item is discovered by the party, there is a 20% chance that the item is damaged. If damaged roll on the table below to determine the effect. Alternatively if the item is damaged during gameplay you can roll of the table. 

Damaged magic items can be fixed, the players might do a favour on behalf of a local wizard who will fix it in return. A second option they have is to retrieve certain magical ingredients to allow the item to be fixed and pay 30% of the items worth in gold. 


Unlucky. Roll on this table twice. 


Unstable. User takes 1HP of magic damage every time the item is used. 


Loud. The item makes a piercing shriek whenever used. 


Blinding. The item shines a blinding blue light when used. 


Noxious. The item emits a disgusting odour when used. 


Memory Wipe. After using this magic item the user forgets the past 1d4 hours. 


Slippery. After using this item roll 1d4 and on a 1 the user drops the item. 


Backfire. After using this item roll 1d4 and on a 1 the user is knocked back 10ft and knocked prone. 


Draining. Lowers a randomly determined ability score by 1.


Doomed. After using this magic item roll 1d20, on a 1 the item explodes causing magical damage and is destroyed. 

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